Peak Core Performance




You will take your foundation of core strength to another level by doing brand new exercises to improve your core stability, functional strength, balance, and athletic performance.

This program strengthens your full core musculature in different planes of motion using heavier loads. The core exercises will send your muscles a new training stimulus with under more time under tension using varying tempos. You will challenge your balance with single leg movements and strengthen your glutes to reduce lower back pain and improve your athleticism.

This program can be done at home or at the gym using minimal equipment. You will need a few dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, light weight plates, and dip bars.

Each workout will take 10-15 minutes to complete. Each week consists of 5 core specific workouts with a weekly challenge to finish off the week.

You will be able to view HD video demonstrations with form tips and modifications so you will understand how to execute every exercise with the proper form.

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