Kettlebell Minimal Equipment Muscle Building




Build lean muscle, gain strength, improve your mobility, and increase core stability using kettlebells as your main tool. These are time efficient workouts that require less set up and can be done from home. You’ll have a balanced well-rounded routine that will improve your functional strength and everyday movements. The majority of the workouts can be done using two medium kettlebells and two heavy kettlebells. You will have the option of using  a light-medium band and weight plate for some lower body movements. There will be audio coaching form instructions for each exercise video demonstration.

You will complete 4 full-body strength training session 4 times a week through the entire 8-week program. The recommended schedule is to perform two lifting sessions back-to-back with one active recovery day in between. The exercises you perform will remain the same throughout the 8-weeks; this will give your body time to adapt, grow stronger, and move better.
Most of the movements in this program include compound lifts for both the lower and upper body, plus unilateral movements to improve muscle imbalances.

*This program isn’t meant for a total beginner. You need to understand proper lifting technique and form when using kettlebells and bodyweight exercises.

*You will need 2 lightweight, 2 medium, and 2 heavy kettlebells. You will need 1 light band and 1 medium band. You will need 1 weight plate.

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