Functional Athlete 2.0




Stay powerful, build muscle, get strong, move with more stability and balance! Brand new exercises and optional equipment (chains and bands) to keep training fresh.

You will continue to improve your athleticism and age better by performing a few power movements in your warmup and moving your body in various directions using weights. There are optional conditioning workouts to improve your heart health and make your muscles show and go!

You will complete 4 full-body strength training session 4 times a week through the entire 8-week program. The recommended schedule is to perform two lifting sessions back-to-back with one active recovery day in between. The exercises you perform will remain the same throughout the 8-weeks but the rep ranges will change; this will give your body time to adapt, grow stronger, and move better.

Most of the movements in this program include heavy compound lifts for both the lower and upper body, plus unilateral movements to improve muscle imbalances. Every session will include core-specific exercises to give you a well-rounded workout.

*This program isn’t meant for a total beginner. You need to understand proper lifting technique and form when using barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, and bodyweight exercises.

*You will need to have a squat rack, a bench, barbell with weight plates, a range of kettlebells and dumbbells, pull up bar, and two light-medium bands (optional chains).

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