Beginner Pull Up Training




I want you to master the pull up. You are physically capable of performing a pull up even if you have struggled in the past.  If you are consistent and committed mentally to working hard on each rep in training, you should be able to perform at least one proper pull up by the end of this program.

This program is broken up into 4 phases. Each phase may last anywhere from 4-8 weeks. Go at your own pace, there is absolutely nothing wrong if this takes you slightly longer to progress to the next phase, focus on mastering each movement and performing each rep with proper form. In each phase the goal is to improve your full body strength by doing more than pull up exercises. To be able to maximize your pull up potential your entire body needs to be strong. The program will include lower body and core exercises to improve your overall performance when performing a pull up.

I hope you come away from this program feeling stronger and healthier than ever before.

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