Functional Core 2.0




The Functional Core 2.0 program focuses on continuing to build your core strength through a variety of movement patterns that work your full core musculature. While building a six pack, you will also improve your stability, athleticism, burn calories and reduce your risk of injury in daily life activities. I bring a wide variety of creative exercises to keep your core training fun and interesting.

If you’re looking to build a stronger core and bust through plateaus, then this program is right for you!

This program can be done at home or at the gym using minimal equipment. You will need a few dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, or optional dip bars or pull up bar.

Each workout will take 10-15 minutes to complete. Each week consists of 5 core specific workouts with a weekly challenge to finish off the week.

You will be able to view HD video demonstrations with form tips and modifications so you will understand how to execute every exercise with the proper form.

This program is for intermediate to advanced fitness levels. If you’ve completed my previous Functional Core program, you will be well prepared to further your current progress.

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