
See what others have achieved with Quiet Strength Fitness!

The Functional Core 1.0 and Functional Core 2.0 are highly effective programs and I am happy to have achieved my goals!

–Doni Sanchez

I’ve now finished Functional Muscle Building. I have to say I really enjoyed it. I’ve done many things over the past 10 years (crossfit, GZCLP, strong lifts, Mountain Tactical, etc) and this is one of my favorites. It’s aptly named as the movements do feel very functional and have done a lot to help me in other areas, like trail running. I feel stronger and faster than I have been in a long time, and have made progress across the board in compound lifts. The workouts are different enough to keep it interesting, but not so busy/intricate that I feel like I have to stare at my phone the whole time. 

-Kelly Anderson

 I did my first race of the year on Saturday, a 42k with 8,000′ of climbing! I took a full hour of last year’s time and I know that a big part of it was improving my core strength with your programs Functional Core 1 & 2! Because I felt so much stronger, my posture was better on the inclines and as a result got to use my climbing muscled more efficiently. In addition, a strong core helped a ton with injury prevention! Trips and falls are inevitable with trail and mountain running and my three instances were kept to “near misses” 100% due to my core strength! Thank you so much for teaching that short, consistent workouts yield better results than hours in a gym!

-Tony Lewis

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