Kettlebell Weight Recommendations

There is no one-size-fits-all when choosing the right kettlebell weight, but here are some general tips:

Correct Weight

  • You can maintain control and good form while the kettlebell is in motion.
  • You feel the correct muscles being engaged.
  • Your muscles feel moderately challenged after completing 10-12 repetitions.

Wrong Weight

  • The kettlebell flops around or is difficult to control.
  • You engage incorrect muscles for the exercise (for example, you use your arms when you need to engage your hips).
  • Your muscles do not feel moderately challenged after completing 10-12 repetitions.


The best weight for you will largely depend on your current fitness level:

  • If you’re out of shape or inactive (which is okay—that’s why we’re here!), then you could start with 6 kg (13 lb) kettlebells.
  • If you’re somewhat active, try the 8 kg (18 lb) kettlebells. (This is the most common starter weight for women.)
  • If you’re active, you can choose a weight between 10-12 kg (22-26 lb).


Men generally have larger frames than women, so they tend to start with slightly heavier weights:

  • If you’re currently inactive, try 8 kg (18 lb) kettlebells.
  • If you’re somewhat active, try a weight between 10-12 kg (22-26 lb). (The most common starter weight for men is 12 kg.)
  • If you’re active, choose a weight between 14-16 kg (31-35 lb).

As your fitness level improves, your kettlebell weights will increase. It’s a great way to actually see yourself getting stronger.

If you have any questions about which kettlebell weight is best for you, you can contact me.

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