About me

I’m excited to get to know you! In the meantime, here’s a little bit about me.

I’m a personal trainer in Duluth, Minnesota. I have always enjoyed being physically active. Some of my notable accomplishments happened when I focused on distance running as a young adult. I won a few marathons, including one that I ran in three hours; I also ran the Boston Marathon, and won two ultra-distance marathons. I even set the women’s record running in a “portage marathon,” where I carried a canoe on my shoulders the whole way. As I’ve gotten older, my interest has shifted towards resistance training to enhance my athletic endeavors.

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  • Information packed practical training.
  • Practical learning experience with live project work and examples.
  • Practical assignments at the end of every session.
  • Practical assignments at the practical training.

I’m a personal trainer in Duluth, Minnesota. I have always enjoyed being physically active. Some of my notable accomplishments happened when I focused on distance running as a young adult. I won a few marathons, including one that I ran in three hours; I also ran the Boston Marathon, and won two ultra-distance marathons. I even set the women’s record running in a “portage marathon,” where I carried a canoe on my shoulders the whole way. As I’ve gotten older, my interest has shifted towards lifting weights to help my body move better and still look amazing.

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